Saturday 17 November 2007

Message from Eagle

We have roughed in the Tees Kwat Trail from the Wildwood Switchback to provide public access to the beach. We thank Catalyst for the permission to do that. You will find orchids along the way next spring. Please don't remove or touch. They are rare.

East Tinhat Mountain trail is looking very good and we will have a grand opening next summer. We need about another month of work after the snow melts next spring to widen and improve the trail near the summit. Also marking and signage needs to be completed.

Logging is about to start on the March Lake section of the SCT. We could not convince Western Forest Products not to log on the trail, but we did arrive at a compromise that left half of the historic railroad grade untouched, the other half will be re-established as trail post-harvest. Alternate access has been provided through another access trail for the time being. We will make a map of it available upon receipt from Western some time next week. The road building crews have begun their work in the area already, and the beginning and middle of the March Lake Trail are not accessible at this time.

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